주제에 대한 질문 답변 : 3문제, 준비 0 / 답변 15/15/30
준비 시간 없이 바로 말해야 돼서 어려운 파트
4,5번은 15초로 비교적 간단한 질문, 6번은 30초로 구체적으로 말해야하는 질문
4,5번 : 핵심 + 간단한 부연 설명
6번 : 내가 생각하는 것 말하기 + 이에 대한 이유 2가지 설명
질문이 시작되기 전에 어떤 주제에 대한 내용인지 설명해줌
Imagine that a British Marketing firm is doing research in your country. ~~~~~~~~~~ a telephone interview about traveling
딴거 다 필요없고 맨 마지막 'about' 다음부터 뭔지 보기
traveling이면 3문제 모두 여행에 대한 질문이 나올 것이므로, 주제에 대해서 읽어줄 때 미리 어떤 질문이 나올지 생각하고 대비하기
(여행을 얼마나 자주가니? 어디로 가는거 좋아하니? 누구랑 가니? 등등)
사실을 답하는게 아니라 말하기 편한걸 미리 준비
How often
twice a month, twice a week, every day 등
Who ~ with
with my best friends
When was the last time ~
The last time ~ was two weeks ago
How far are you ~
It's only five minutes away from my home
What time ~
~ at 10 am. because It'is very convenient time for me.
시제 확인 잘하고 답변하기, 답변할 때 상대방 질문 문장 활용하기
When 'was' the last time that you bought a suitcase?
you는 I/me로 바꾸면서 대답, 시제 확인
답변 : The last time that I bought a suitcase 'was' two months ago
이처럼 그대로 가져와서 읽으면서 대답하면 시간쓰기 충분
★이유 말하기 (템플릿 암기)★
부연 설명으로 활용할 것들
내 기분 설명해주기
(~~~)를 하면, 내 기분이 어떤지 말해주면 좋음
- Because it relieves my stress.
- Because it makes me feel excited/happy
- Because it gives me a feeling of freshness (physically, mentally)
- Because it relaxes/energizes me
- Because it has a effect on my body and mind
- Because it is good for my health
- Because it enhances my mood
- Because it gives me stress
- Because it makes me feel sad
- Because it makes me feel down
- Because it gives me a feeling of tiredness
- Because it is bad for my health
- Money : ex) 이건 돈을 아낄 수 있어요 / 돈을 낭비할 수 있어요
- Time : ex) 이건 시간을 아낄 수 있어요 / 시간을 낭비할 수 있어요
- Convenient : ex) 이건 저한테 매우 편리해요 / 불편해요.
- Quality : ex) 이것의 퀄리티가 매우 좋아요 / 나빠요.
이건 파트3과 파트6에서 모두 활용 가능하므로 매우 중요
일단 돈이나 시간을 아낄 수 있으면 '나는 대학생이라는 걸 강조'
It saves money. It is cost efficent.
Since I'm a college student. I live on a tight (budget).
So, ( ~~~ ) is the right choice for me.
It saves time.
Since I'm a college student. I live on a tight (schedule).
So, ( ~~~ ) is the right choice for me.
시간이나 돈을 절약이 아닌 낭비하는 일이라면 saves 대신 waste로 바꾸기만 해도 가능
장소에 대한 질문이라면 이렇게 답변도 가능
It saves time because (the subway station) is just five minutes away from my home. It is very convenient for me.
It waste time because (the department store) is one hour away from my home. It is very incovenient for me
실제 파트3 문제 답변 예시
Imagine that a British marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about traveling.
Q4. How often do you travel in a year? Who do you usually go with?
- I travel twice (in) a year. I usually go with my best friends.
Q5. What was the last place you traveled to?
- The last place I traveled was China. I went there to visit a friend.
Q6. What is one place you’ve never been to that you would like to visit one day?
Why do you want to go there?
- One place I’ve never been to that I would like to visit one day is Japan. That’s because it saves money. It’s cost efficient. Since I’m a college student, I live on a tight budget, so traveling to Japan is the right choice for me. It also saves time because it’s only two hours away from my country. Lastly, I love to eat, and the quality of Japanese food is very good.
Imagine that a British marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about watching movies.
Q4. When was the last time you watched a movie at the theater? What movie did you watch?
- The last time I watched a movie at the theater was two weeks ago, and I watched a comedy movie. I love comedy because it relieves my stress.
Q5. What kind of movies do you not like to watch?
- I don’t like to watch action movies. I think it’s a waste of money and time. It also gives me stress.
Q6. Do you prefer to watch movies at the theater or at home? Why?
- I prefer to watch movies at home. That’s because it saves money. It’s cost efficient. Since I’m a college student, I live on a tight budget, so watching movies at home is the right choice for me. It also saves time. Lastly, I can spend quality time by myself, so it relieves my stress.
Imagine that an Australian marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about public transportation.
Q4. How often do you take public transportation, and what kind of public transportation do you usually use?
- I take the public transportation every day, and I usually use the subway because it’s the most convenient for me.
Q5. How much money do you spend a month on public transportation?
- I usually spend about sixty dollars a month on public transportation. I think it’s cost-efficient.
Q6. What are the advantages of taking public transportation?
- There are many advantages of taking public transportation. It saves money. Since I’m a college student, I live on a tight budget, so taking the public transportation is the right choice for me. Also, it saves time because the subway station is only five minutes away from my home. It’s very convenient for me. Lastly, the quality for the public transportation system is very good in my area.
'TOEIC_SPEAKING' 카테고리의 다른 글
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